Wednesday, October 26, 2011


The Following comes from Lee R. Christensen's book: "You Knew Me As Buddy and other Tales"
His book is a compilation of letters he has sent to friends over the years.  His memories of going to school at Hamilton Elementary, North Sanpete and Wasatch Academy are filled with his wonderful humor.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wasatch Academy "1940" Prestigious Alumni Award ~ Given to Lee R. Christensen

Taken from Lee R. Christensen's book:  "You Knew Me As Buddy".

KATHY:  There is a letter to Mary that goes with that award.  
It was a group award,  and I ‘m thanking Mary  pages 134 35.   

KATHY,  My baseball cap is on backwards so my face  would show up in the
photo.   LEE

Whatta Guy !!!